Rob Rainer
Founder & Director
Rainer is the founder or co-founder of the following nonprofit corporations and projects:
The Worldwide Help Alliance Team, Inc., formerly known as North American Help Services Alliance, Inc, a 501(C)(3)nonprofit corporation, Hudson, New Hampshire, and Orlando, Florida.
The Hotline Directory
StompOut Tobacco
PostICU, Inc., a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation, Corvallis, Oregon.
AfterICU, a patient-centric project at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.
Abuse Victim Hotline, Inc., a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation, Revere, Massachusetts
He was the founder or co-founder of the following businesses;
Rainer & Rainer, PC Attorneys at Law, Boston, Revere, New Bedford, Dorchester, Massachusetts.
Rainer Agency, Inc., Boston, Revere, Medford, Massachusetts, and Atkinson, New Hampshire.
The Social Security Advocates, LLC, Revere, and Medford, Massachusetts.
The Social Security Lawyers of America, LLC. Revere, Massachusetts.
Citizens Disability, LLC, Medford and Waltham, Massachusetts
MobileLawUSA, Inc., Revere, Massachusetts
BumOne, Inc., Hudson, New Hampshire
Hashtag Dialing Codes, LLC Revere, Massachusetts, and Hudson, New Hampshire
Hashtag Codes Advertising Agency
Hashtag 4Law, Revere, Massachusetts, and Hudson, New Hampshire
Hashtag 4Help, Revere, Massachusetts, and Hudson, New Hampshire
DirectDial, Revere, Massachusetts, and Hudson, New Hampshire
TheSSDI Project, Revere, Massachusetts, and Hudson, New Hampshire
TextMeLawyer, Revere, Massachusetts, and Hudson, New Hampshire
USA Outdoor Sports, Inc., Hudson, New Hampshire.
Panther E-Bikes, a division of USA Outdoor Sports, Hudson, New Hampshire.
Some of the awards won by Rainer, include:
New England Arm Wrestling Champion, 175 lbs and under, 1984
Constitutional Book Award, Law School, 1986
The 25 Most Influential Lawyers of the Past Quarter Century, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, 1998
Heroes Among Us, Boston Celtics Award, 2008
Teaching Excellence Award, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs, July 2020
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